CNB Housing Insights Housing Needs Survey

You may shortly receive a request to complete a Housing Needs Survey on behalf of CNB Housing Insights who have been commissioned by Minster Property Group. Please note that this is not in any way associated with Orwell's Neighbourhood Plan and the Steering Group has no involvement in it.


We held a very successful Workshop on 22nd February. Details can be seen here.


Orwell Parish Council made the decision that the village should produce a neighbourhood plan. Accordingly, a steering group was set up to coordinate the research, production and dissemination of a neighbourhood plan for the village of Orwell. This steering group will be calling upon various resources within the village, the local authority and various consultants to produce the plan. We will be looking for further volunteers.

The emphasis on this process is to produce a document that represents the hopes and expectations of those who live in Orwell and consequently we will be seeking inputs from residents through various consultations.

We are at the beginning of this process and we expect it to take some time if we are to do it justice. We will use this web site and various other forms of communication with the village to keep you in touch with progress and from time to time to solicit your input.

What is a Neighbourhood Plan?

The Neighbourhood Plan sets out the priorities for the village in defining future planning and is primarily aimed at the use of land. It does not set out to define specific planning policies, but to set the framework for planning decisions by defining the needs, expectations and priorities of the village when considering what is important to us, what defines us and where we hope to take the village in the future.

A Neighbourhood Plan is a document that sets out what’s important to a particular community when it comes to planning matters. For example:

Local communities have rights and powers to shape the future development of their area by preparing Neighbourhood Plans. These documents set out planning policies for a local area and are used to decide planning applications – for things like new homes, and for developments of amenities like shops, playgrounds or offices.

Neighbourhood Plans are written by and based on the views of the local community, the people who know and love the area. Because we have to consult residents and distill the views expressed, it will take some time to complete.

What it is

What it isn’t

Our Neighbourhood Plan in the wider planning context

National Planning Policy Framework – Government

Local Plan – Local Authority (South Cambs District Council)

Neighbourhood Plan – Local Community (Orwell Residents)

Get Involved

As the Steering Group progresses the development of the Neighbourhood Plan, the range and scope of the work we are undertaking is growing and we are now keen to open opportunities for people within the community to offer their talents to support us. At the moment, as we develop our community engagement strategy, we are specifically looking for someone to head up our Communications Activities and someone to set up and maintain a Facebook page for us, but we also welcome anyone who is keen to make an input. If you think you have relevant skills and are keen to play a part and would like to help us with this valuable community work, please get in touch

Update on Progress

Please consult the Latest News pages to keep up to date with our activities.

St Andrew's Church Orwell